Pain and Sensory Trauma Care (CRT5)
The mission of CRT5 is to identify novel approaches for treating traumatic induced pain as well as research to repair and restore the sensory system (Ocular and Auditory trauma) from injuries sustained by Warfighters.

Highlighted Major Capabilities
- Shock Tube
- Ophthalmic imaging
- Ophthalmic electro-diagnostics
- Mechanical allodynia (von Frey method)
- Thermal hyperalgesia (Hargreaves method)
- Auditory brainstem response (ABR)
- Electrochochleargraphy (ECochG)
- Cochlear microphonic (CM)
- Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMPS)
2035 "paradigm-changing" efforts include:
- Multimodal approach for battlefield pain control without physiological or cognitive impairment
- Novel and/or non-opioid drug alternatives at the point of care
While moving toward these goals:
- Evaluation of novel drugs for acute pain management
- Decision support in battlefield through validation of blood-based biomarkers for burn injury severity and pain
- Evaluation of combination pharmacotherapy for acute pain management
- Corneal puncture platform for evaluation of Temporary Corneal Repair prototypes