Deployed Resources
Care of burn-injured casualties requires application of specialized and timely therapies, which may be difficult in resource-limited or austere settings. The USAISR Burn Center provides resources regarding care of burn-injured patients, and burn providers are available 24/7 for consultation.
Commercial: 210-222-BURN
Burn Specific Clinical Practice Guidelines
Burn Flight Team

The USAISR Burn Center is home to the U.S. Army Burn Flight Team. Since 1951, the U.S. Army Burn Flight Team has provided worldwide assessment, treatment, and aeromedical evacuation of casualties sustaining thermal injuries related to both combat and non-combat-related events.
Comprised of burn-specialized Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, and Physicians who complete the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT) course and who work full-time in the Burn ICU, the Team is capable of transporting critically ill burn causalities across the world.
The Burn Flight Team is ready for worldwide deployment within hours of initial notification, on order by the Commander of the USAISR, to support a wide variety of missions. The Burn Flight Team is available 24/7/365, consistent with its motto: Anytime, Anywhere.