Welcome to the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR).

You are joining a world-class group of clinicians, scientists and support personnel at the Army's premier medical research lab focused on optimizing combat casualty care. We are one of six research institutes under the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, a component of the U.S. Army Futures Command. The USAISR is focused exclusively on the combat wounded and is the home of the only Burn Center in the Department of Defense.
Here's a little more about the world renowned team you are joining:
USAISR's mission is a noble one, to "Optimize Combat Casualty Care." The medical and research activities performed at this Institute are focused on saving lives on the battlefield, both for today and tomorrow. We accomplish our mission by conducting requirements-driven, programmatic research to develop knowledge and materiel products that drive evidence-based, best clinical practice solutions and deliver advanced technologies for the Warfighter.
The USAISR Burn Center was the second burn center established in the U.S. and is one of only 70 American Burn Association verified burn centers in the world. The Burn Center has been at the epicenter of burn research since 1949.
The USAISR Burn Center also serves as a regional burn center for South Texas and treats both military and civilian patients, which helps maintain clinical currency–and with the highest acuity of critical care patients in the DoD–serves as an excellent readiness training platform for deploying units and various student groups.
The synergy between the USAISR's laboratory scientists and clinical researchers makes the Institute the U.S. Government's premier translational research center focusing on trauma, burns, and critical care of the combat wounded–able to take clinical problems to the laboratory and translate advances to the clinic, operating room, or battlefield.
Welcome to the USAISR Team where you can contribute to our combat casualty care mission.
Forge the Future!
All newly assigned military, civilians and contractors will report to ISR Personnel Division upon arrival and a sponsor will be ready to receive the newly assigned employee.
Upon arrival at JBSA Fort Sam Houston, service members must make contact with their sponsor; they will not report in person. The sponsor will contact ISR Personnel Division to inform them that the service member has arrived. Once all required documents are received (DA-31 and orders), Personnel Division will send the sponsor the in-processing checklist and information via e-mail from the following address The sponsor is responsible to escort the new service member in and around the building, prepare network access documents and assist with all other in-processing requirements. Call 210-539-1916/1436/9876 for assistance.
JBSA Pre-Arrival Orientation
4th Tuesday of the month at 0800 and 1700 CST. Virtual workshop to welcome inbound personnel and their family members to JBSA by providing information about local resources that can help alleviate some of the common stressors associated with relocation prior to their arrival. During the Pre-Arrival Orientations inbound Service Members and their Families learn about the installation, housing, schools, childcare options, employment, and more.
Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 327 9837
Passcode: HOWDY
We encourage all inbound Service Members and Family Members to attend the virtual 1-hour orientation prior to reporting to JBSA to prepare for their transition.
Upon arrival, all civilians will report to the ISR Personnel Division, building 3611, room 182-13, at 0800 on their assigned Entrance on Duty date (EOD). If the EOD date is a Sunday, they will report on the following duty day. Personnel Division will send the sponsor the in-processing checklist and information from the following address The sponsor is responsible to escort the new civilian in and around the building, prepare network access documents and assist with all other in-processing requirements. Call 210-539-4237/1436 for assistance.
Once the contractor has been cleared by ISR Security, the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR/sponsor) will provide ISR Personnel Division with an estimated arrival date for the contract employee. Upon their arrival, Personnel Division will send the in-processing checklist and information to the COR/sponsor from the following address The COR/sponsor is responsible to escort the contractor in and around the building, prepare network access documents and assist with all other in-processing requirements. Call 210-539-5331/4237/1436 for assistance.
Click here for more information about JBSA FT Sam Houston, Texas.
Directions to USAISR/BAMC
USAISR is located at JBSA Ft Sam Houston in the Brooke Army Medical Center campus in Building 3611.
The mailing address is:
Institute of Surgical Research
3698 Chambers Pass STE B
JBSA Ft. Sam Houston, TX 78234-7767
Coming From El Paso (I-10E)
(Northwest San Antonio)
From I-10 South merge onto NE I-410 Loop. After 10 miles I-410 will merge with I-35 South. Travel for another 3.5 miles and take Exit 162, BAMC/Binz-Englemann Rd. At the end of the exit ramp turn right and enter the George C. Beach Ave Gate.
Coming From Houston (I-10W)
(Southeast San Antonio)
From I-10 North merge onto I-35 North. Travel for 10 miles and take Exit 162, BAMC/Binz-Englemann Rd. At the end of the exit ramp turn left and enter the George C. Beach Ave Gate.
Coming From SA International Airport
(North Central San Antonio)
Exit Airport Blvd onto NE I-410 Loop. After 5 miles I-410 will merge with I-35 South. Travel for another 3.5 miles and take Exit 162, BAMC/Binz-Englemann Rd. At the end of the exit ramp turn right and enter the George C. Beach Ave Gate.